Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Awesome session in hamilton beach

Cliff, Dimitri, Henry, Brendan, Adrian, Rob and i were there today on a strong ene 21 to 25 knots. We were at Dieppe Veterans Memorial Park on Beach Boulevard in Hamilton Beach (check my Spots link for more details).

Was on a 5.6 and I have to admit that I have never sailed waves like this on lake Ontario. Dues had to be paid in full to the massive waves on the shore break but once out it was magical.

Some waves were above my head and I was often saying please don't break, not now. Dues were paid on the shore break so mother nature was kinder to me out there.

Will try to post a video later, if the go pro is still working as it took a pounding.

Lots of respect for the kiters with a tricky launch between the transmission lines.

Cliff, have a good time east dude

Windsurfing Hamilton Beach September 7 2011 from Jean-François Lamarche (windyye on Vimeo.

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